The Seventh Last Plague 1/18/08
Promises to Abraham Part 1 1/25/08
Promises to Abraham Part 2 1/28/08
Two Spirits 2/8/08
A Look at the Beast System (its Purpose and End) 2/8/08
Revelation (chapters 1-6) 2/15/08
The Second Coming 2/22/08
A Bible Study on Bible Study 2/29/08
The Spirit in Man 3/1/08
Review This! 3/8/08
Isaiah 3/14/08
Who's "In Charge" of the World? (Satan Now, God Soon!) 3/21/08
"Sent" (God Must Send You or it's Not His Work) 3/22/08
Days of Unleavened Bread Lessons 4/20/08
God’s Kingdom Cannot Be Shaken! 4/25/08
Discouragement (Don’t Let it Get You!) 5/2/08
The Incredible Human Potential 5/3/08
Ecclesiastes (“Why Worry?”) 5/9/08
Ephesians 5/16/08
Humanity is "Married" To Satan 5/23/08
God’s Law—The Right Frame of Mind 5/30/08
Isaiah (chapters 7-12) 5/31/08
Pentecost 2008 6/6/08
1. Correspondence Course Lesson Notes
2. Truth versus Lies
3. When was Joseph Born?
The Day of the Lord 6/13/08
We Know God . . . Don’t Lose That Knowledge 7/4/08
The “How Long?” Psalms 7/5/08
Promises to Abraham Part 1 7/12/08
Promises to Abraham Part 2 7/18/08
God’s Ways 7/19/08
Book of Leviticus—Relevant Today! 7/25/08
What the New Testament Explains About Old Testament Israel 8/29/08
Old and New Covenants 8/30/08
Time to be on Guard! 9/5/08
The Right God 9/6/08
What Leads Up to the Day of the Lord 9/13/08
Love (God’s Mindset) 9/18/08
Book of Deuteronomy: Religion is Serious! 9/19/08
Don’t Be Gullible: Believe God, not Satan! 9/26/08
Giants 9/27/08
Day of Trumpets 9/29/08
The True Religion Follows the One True God 10/3/08
Between Trumpets and Atonement (The "Ten days of Repentance") 10/4/08
We Need the Day of Atonement! 10/8/08
John (chapters 7-9) 10/10/08
Between Atonement and the Feast of Tabernacles (great study on the significance
of the prosperity of King Solomon’s reign) 10/11/08
FOT 08: Tabernacles and the Firstfruits 10/13/08
FOT 08: Tree of Life Society 10/14/08
FOT 08: God’s Government 10/15/08
FOT 08: Promises to Abraham 10/16/08
FOT 08: God’s Government Will be Restored From Jerusalem 10/17/08
FOT 08: Persecution 10/19/08
FOT 08: Church is School 10/20/08
FOT 08: World Tomorrow Society 10/20/08
LGD 08: Seek the Lord 10/21/08
The Gospel is the Message of Christ 10/24/08
Jesus Christ 10/25/08
The Period from Judges to Solomon 10/31/08
The Judges Period—Symbolic of American History 11/1/08
The Witch of Endor 11/7/08
True versus False Religion 11/8/08
Elijah’s End-Time Message: What He Might Say Today 11/14/08
Why Elijah Must Come 11/15/08
True Ministers 11/21/08
Teachings from Solomon 11/21/08
The Seven Millennial Days 11/22/08
The House of God: Where He Dwells 11/22/08
Success 11/29/08
Christmas -- a Pagan Holiday Part 1 12/5/08
Christmas -- a Pagan Holiday Part 2 12/6/08
I Kings: Elijah, Hezekiah, Manasseh and Josiah 12/12/08
2 Kings: Israel Falls, Judah Remains A While Longer 12/13/08
The Day of the Lord 12/19/08
The Two Jerusalems 12/19/08
Isaiah: Prophecy Not Intended to be Understood Until it Happens 12/26/08
Understanding Bible Prophecy—Before It Happens! 12/27/08
Promises to Abraham Part 1 1/25/08
Promises to Abraham Part 2 1/28/08
Two Spirits 2/8/08
A Look at the Beast System (its Purpose and End) 2/8/08
Revelation (chapters 1-6) 2/15/08
The Second Coming 2/22/08
A Bible Study on Bible Study 2/29/08
The Spirit in Man 3/1/08
Review This! 3/8/08
Isaiah 3/14/08
Who's "In Charge" of the World? (Satan Now, God Soon!) 3/21/08
"Sent" (God Must Send You or it's Not His Work) 3/22/08
Days of Unleavened Bread Lessons 4/20/08
God’s Kingdom Cannot Be Shaken! 4/25/08
Discouragement (Don’t Let it Get You!) 5/2/08
The Incredible Human Potential 5/3/08
Ecclesiastes (“Why Worry?”) 5/9/08
Ephesians 5/16/08
Humanity is "Married" To Satan 5/23/08
God’s Law—The Right Frame of Mind 5/30/08
Isaiah (chapters 7-12) 5/31/08
Pentecost 2008 6/6/08
1. Correspondence Course Lesson Notes
2. Truth versus Lies
3. When was Joseph Born?
The Day of the Lord 6/13/08
We Know God . . . Don’t Lose That Knowledge 7/4/08
The “How Long?” Psalms 7/5/08
Promises to Abraham Part 1 7/12/08
Promises to Abraham Part 2 7/18/08
God’s Ways 7/19/08
Book of Leviticus—Relevant Today! 7/25/08
What the New Testament Explains About Old Testament Israel 8/29/08
Old and New Covenants 8/30/08
Time to be on Guard! 9/5/08
The Right God 9/6/08
What Leads Up to the Day of the Lord 9/13/08
Love (God’s Mindset) 9/18/08
Book of Deuteronomy: Religion is Serious! 9/19/08
Don’t Be Gullible: Believe God, not Satan! 9/26/08
Giants 9/27/08
Day of Trumpets 9/29/08
The True Religion Follows the One True God 10/3/08
Between Trumpets and Atonement (The "Ten days of Repentance") 10/4/08
We Need the Day of Atonement! 10/8/08
John (chapters 7-9) 10/10/08
Between Atonement and the Feast of Tabernacles (great study on the significance
of the prosperity of King Solomon’s reign) 10/11/08
FOT 08: Tabernacles and the Firstfruits 10/13/08
FOT 08: Tree of Life Society 10/14/08
FOT 08: God’s Government 10/15/08
FOT 08: Promises to Abraham 10/16/08
FOT 08: God’s Government Will be Restored From Jerusalem 10/17/08
FOT 08: Persecution 10/19/08
FOT 08: Church is School 10/20/08
FOT 08: World Tomorrow Society 10/20/08
LGD 08: Seek the Lord 10/21/08
The Gospel is the Message of Christ 10/24/08
Jesus Christ 10/25/08
The Period from Judges to Solomon 10/31/08
The Judges Period—Symbolic of American History 11/1/08
The Witch of Endor 11/7/08
True versus False Religion 11/8/08
Elijah’s End-Time Message: What He Might Say Today 11/14/08
Why Elijah Must Come 11/15/08
True Ministers 11/21/08
Teachings from Solomon 11/21/08
The Seven Millennial Days 11/22/08
The House of God: Where He Dwells 11/22/08
Success 11/29/08
Christmas -- a Pagan Holiday Part 1 12/5/08
Christmas -- a Pagan Holiday Part 2 12/6/08
I Kings: Elijah, Hezekiah, Manasseh and Josiah 12/12/08
2 Kings: Israel Falls, Judah Remains A While Longer 12/13/08
The Day of the Lord 12/19/08
The Two Jerusalems 12/19/08
Isaiah: Prophecy Not Intended to be Understood Until it Happens 12/26/08
Understanding Bible Prophecy—Before It Happens! 12/27/08