Songs and Teachings of the Bible
Songs and Teachings of the Bible
The Bible is a book about the Seven Millennial Days of human history. It doesn't say much about what happened before the First Millennial Day, or what will happen after the Seventh. But it says a GREAT DEAL about God's dealings with mankind during these Seven Millennial Days!
By Matthew Kalliman
The Bible Speaks For Itself
For ages men have pondered about God. Some have wondered whether He exists. Others have wondered what He is like. Some have contemplated the vast, awesome universe and wondered if God is concerned about our relatively tiny planet. Others have looked into microscopes and reflected upon a God who, with incredible, infinite delicacy designed countless little galaxies of atoms and molecules from which all matter in the universe is made.
Many religious people have read the Bible believing it is God's Word. Many skeptics have ridiculed those who do. Many other people would like to believe the Bible but are afraid to admit it because of such ridicule. Many scholars think the Bible is just a collection of myths, folk tales, legends, and traditions accumulated gradually, containing little meaning, if any.
Of those who do believe the Bible, some believe just the Old Testament. Others believe just the New Testament. Christians tend to believe that the Old Testament was done away. Most Jews believe that the New Testament was never inspired. Both Old and New Testaments contain climactic end-time prophecies which have never been fulfilled. Many wonder if those predicted events will ever come to pass.
Some doubt. Some believe. Some scoff. Some defend. There is much disagreement. We are left, seemingly, in a state of confusion. Questions are raised which, in actual fact, are of vital concern to all. The questions are: Does God exist? If so, has He been at all concerned with or involved in man's history? Is the Bible divinely inspired? If so, can its meaning be understood? What is its meaning? Did "Bible days" end some two thousand years ago, or do our days fit into a divine scheme of history as well? Will the prophecies of the Bible ever be fulfilled? If so, when? Was Jesus the Messiah who was prophesied to come in the pages of the Old Testament? If so, then why didn't He do what the Jews expected the Messiah to do -- to restore the kingdom of Israel on earth in all its glory, and become its divinely-appointed King? Will the Second Coming of Jesus Christ ever occur? If so, when? And what will happen at that time?
These are ultimate questions countless numbers of people have faced. Throughout history the answers have not been readily apparent. More people will face them. They are questions involving history, theology, the meaning of life and the future of our planet.
But God doesn't want us merely to ponder the questions. He wants us to investigate thoroughly His Word where both the answers and the proofs are. Ironically, the answers to the big questions have been available all the while. They were given by God to man in the pages of the Bible long ago -- but in an awesome, unexpected manner!
It is only when we have the overview of the Bible clearly in mind that we can begin to see that there is a definite Master Plan of human history, and that the pattern or blueprint for that Master Plan was clearly established at the time of Creation -- long before man began pondering the questions which now perplex him so greatly!
The Bible contains the record of how God's Master Plan of human history unfolded during its first four thousand years, and also contains the keys for understanding the entire chronological time frame of human history from beginning to end. When we understand it, we will no longer be in doubt of God's existence or the inspiration of the Bible. We will begin to see how we fit into the picture today and how extraordinary events and a new age are in store for the future.
No one is able to refute the Bible, and no one needs to defend it. For, as we shall see, the Bible proves its own inspiration by the God of Whom it speaks. Yes, the Bible explains, proves, defends, and speaks for itself.
Many religious people have read the Bible believing it is God's Word. Many skeptics have ridiculed those who do. Many other people would like to believe the Bible but are afraid to admit it because of such ridicule. Many scholars think the Bible is just a collection of myths, folk tales, legends, and traditions accumulated gradually, containing little meaning, if any.
Of those who do believe the Bible, some believe just the Old Testament. Others believe just the New Testament. Christians tend to believe that the Old Testament was done away. Most Jews believe that the New Testament was never inspired. Both Old and New Testaments contain climactic end-time prophecies which have never been fulfilled. Many wonder if those predicted events will ever come to pass.
Some doubt. Some believe. Some scoff. Some defend. There is much disagreement. We are left, seemingly, in a state of confusion. Questions are raised which, in actual fact, are of vital concern to all. The questions are: Does God exist? If so, has He been at all concerned with or involved in man's history? Is the Bible divinely inspired? If so, can its meaning be understood? What is its meaning? Did "Bible days" end some two thousand years ago, or do our days fit into a divine scheme of history as well? Will the prophecies of the Bible ever be fulfilled? If so, when? Was Jesus the Messiah who was prophesied to come in the pages of the Old Testament? If so, then why didn't He do what the Jews expected the Messiah to do -- to restore the kingdom of Israel on earth in all its glory, and become its divinely-appointed King? Will the Second Coming of Jesus Christ ever occur? If so, when? And what will happen at that time?
These are ultimate questions countless numbers of people have faced. Throughout history the answers have not been readily apparent. More people will face them. They are questions involving history, theology, the meaning of life and the future of our planet.
But God doesn't want us merely to ponder the questions. He wants us to investigate thoroughly His Word where both the answers and the proofs are. Ironically, the answers to the big questions have been available all the while. They were given by God to man in the pages of the Bible long ago -- but in an awesome, unexpected manner!
It is only when we have the overview of the Bible clearly in mind that we can begin to see that there is a definite Master Plan of human history, and that the pattern or blueprint for that Master Plan was clearly established at the time of Creation -- long before man began pondering the questions which now perplex him so greatly!
The Bible contains the record of how God's Master Plan of human history unfolded during its first four thousand years, and also contains the keys for understanding the entire chronological time frame of human history from beginning to end. When we understand it, we will no longer be in doubt of God's existence or the inspiration of the Bible. We will begin to see how we fit into the picture today and how extraordinary events and a new age are in store for the future.
No one is able to refute the Bible, and no one needs to defend it. For, as we shall see, the Bible proves its own inspiration by the God of Whom it speaks. Yes, the Bible explains, proves, defends, and speaks for itself.
© Copyright 1974, 1993, 2013 Matthew Kalliman