God's People are Connected to God 1/1/11
God has Unconditional Love—And He Demands Unconditional Obedience! 1/2/11
The Moon (Don't Love “The Dark Side”) 1/7/11
Civil Disobedience—Is it Ever Appropriate? 1/8/11
“Immediate Answer to a Sincere Prayer” (a post-Bible Study discussion) 1/14/11
We are in Battle With Satan! 1/14/11
Genesis 17:6 “The Big Picture” 1/15/11
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are the Deuteronomy 28 Curses 1/21/11
The Trunk of the Tree 1/22/11
“Marry” the Sun, not the Moon (it's one or the other!) 1/28/11
The Book of Jeremiah 1/29/11
Against Darkness! (Keep away from “the dark side”; how to tell truth from
error) 2/4/11
Light Will Fill the Universe! 2/5/11
HWA Sermon notes—on Romans 8 and Salvation 2/11/11
Satan Stirs Up Trouble Constantly...but Only Temporarily (by Andrew) 2/11/11
The Antidote to Satan's Lies: God's Government—Follow it and you Won't be
Deceived 2/18/11
The Purpose for the Church of God: True Success! 2/19/11
Regarding New Moons 2/25/11
Education (Revealed Knowledge) from God is What's Really Important! 2/26/11
Become Soft, Workable Clay (be teachable) 3/4/11
Qualify Now for God's Government 3/5/11
Jesus is the “Firstborn Among Many Brethren” 3/12/11
Qualifying for God's Government (notes on excerpts from The Incredible Human
Potential) 3/25/11
Qualifying For The First Resurrection Means Submitting to God's Government
Over You! 3/26/11
Living Faith (What it Means to Believe God) 4/1/11
A World Held Captive – Soon to be Released! 4/2/11
Message of the Bible: Put Sin out of Your Life! 4/8/11
18 Restored Truths (an early Joseph Tkach letter) 4/9/11
John 17 and Church Government 4/15/11
Passover Symbols 4/16/11
Two Trees in the Garden—Lesson for the Church Today 4/18/11
Leaving Egypt (Putting Sin Away) 4/19/11
Why We Keep the Sabbath and Holy Days 4/22/11
The Sabbath of the Days of Unleavened Bread, and Counting to Pentecost 4/23/11
What Happened after Jesus' Resurrection? A Timeline of Events 4/23/11
The Deadly Leaven of Higher Education 4/24/11
A Happy Church is a Happy Family 4/25/11
HWA Sermon—Achieving Perfection (warns against intellectualism) 4/25/11
Emotional Maturity (my notes from an article) 4/29/11
Learn About the New Covenant from the Old Covenant 4/29/11
Choosing the Tree of Life—It's Not as Easy as it Sounds! 4/30/11
The Resurrection Proves Jesus was the Messiah 5/6/11
The True History of the True Church (notes on HWA broadcasts) 5/7/11
The State of the Church Today (a pre-Bible Study conversation) 5/13/11
Matthew 24:14—Why Paul Went to Rome 5/13/11
The Saints will be Gathered Together 5/14/11
Daniel chapters 7-12 5/20/11
God's Wife—His Creation—Soon to Give Birth 5/21/11
Ezekiel 7: “An Ode to the Fall of Israel” 5/27/11
How and Why God Gave us the Bible 5/28/11
Faithful Ambassadors—Not Wicked Messengers 6/3/11
The Carnal Mind—Full of "Snake Venom" 6/4/11
Following God's Faithful Servants is Following God 6/11/11
Background of—and Why—the Church (HWA Sermon, Pentecost 1983) 6/12/11
Correspondence Course Lesson on Pentecost 6/12/11
The Canonization of the Bible 6/17/11
Father's Day: How to Honor Your Father 6/18/11
Psalms 103-106 6/24/11
Judgment Day is to Save, Not to Condemn 6/25/11
God's Administrative Decisions (He is in Charge!) 7/1/11
Listening to Satan Ruins Everything! 7/2/11
Deal Wisely with the Unconverted 7/8/11
Human Nature (Chapter 11 of The Incredible Human Potential) 7/9/11
Come Out of the World! 7/15/11
The Book of Zechariah 7/22/11
Utopia Will Come When God Restores His Government to Earth 7/29/11
God's Name—What That Means 7/30/11
The Virtuous Wife (is the Church) 8/5/11
The Purpose of the Old Covenant 8/6/11
Sihon and Og 8/12/11
The Incredible Human Potential 8/13/11
Warning to the Church (notes on an HWA sermon) 8/14/11
God's Sheep Amidst Satan's Wolves 8/19/11
Bible Chronology 8/20/11
“Anomia”—Leviticus 26:14 8/26/11
Be Ready for God's Kingdom 8/27/11
Paul's Life 9/2/11
Fall Holy Day Preparation 9/3/11
Matthew 24 9/9/11
Humanity: Just "Flowers In The Grass" (this is both the true gospel message and
the meaning of God's Holy Days!) 9/10/11
Being a Gentle Ruler 9/17/11
Abraham: Father of the Children of Promise 9/23/11
Meaning of the Feast of Tabernacles 9/24/11
Feast of Trumpets—Good News! 9/28/11
Day of Trumpets Outline of Events 9/29/11
Day of Trumpets: Gathering the Elect 9/30/11
Day of Atonement: Israel's Exodus is a Story with Implications for all
Mankind 10/7/11
Where Should You Keep the Feast? 10/12/11
Found—The Lost Doctrine of Christ's Coming Millennial Reign on Earth 10/13/11
Psalm 110:1 10/14/11
How Long will Humans Live During the Millennium? 10/14/11
Removing Satan's Unclean Spirit Produces World Tomorrow Conditions 10/15/11
God's Government in the World Tomorrow and Beyond 10/16/11
Isaiah 60: With Satan Gone, World Prosperity! 10/17/11
Meaning of Booths 10/18/11
Ecclesiastes and the Meaning of the Feast 10/19/11
Last Great Day: “They Shall Live Again!” 10/19/11
Message of the Last Great Day 10/20/11
What Grace Really Means! 10/22/11
God's View of Halloween 10/29/11
“You Can Make It!” (The final A.C. Correspondence Course Lesson) 10/29/11
Hebrews 10:25 vs. Attending Church Splits 11/4/11
The Life of Abraham 11/5/11
God Does Exist! 11/11/11
Joesph's Life—Things Do Work Out For Good! 11/12/11
Thanksgiving Day (quotes from "Ascent to Greatness" and "American Poetry and
Prose") 11/19/11
Moses, Mr. HWA and the Work of the Church 11/25/11
Sabbath vs. Mark of the Beast 12/2/11
Ask: “Is it Sin?” If so—Put it out! 12/23/11
Lesson of Israel's 40 Years' Wandering 12/9/11
Church of God History—Remember it! 12/10/11
Daniel chapters 10-12 (prophecies about Assyria transfer to Babylon; identifying
the abomination of desolation) 12/16/11
Daniel chapters 7-12 12/17/11
The Book of Ephesians 12/23/11
“Why We Don't Keep Christmas” (It's Part of the Mark of the Beast!) 12/24/11
Matthew 7:6—Don't Cast Your Pearls Before Swine 12/30/11
On Growth and Bearing Fruit 12/31/11
God has Unconditional Love—And He Demands Unconditional Obedience! 1/2/11
The Moon (Don't Love “The Dark Side”) 1/7/11
Civil Disobedience—Is it Ever Appropriate? 1/8/11
“Immediate Answer to a Sincere Prayer” (a post-Bible Study discussion) 1/14/11
We are in Battle With Satan! 1/14/11
Genesis 17:6 “The Big Picture” 1/15/11
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse are the Deuteronomy 28 Curses 1/21/11
The Trunk of the Tree 1/22/11
“Marry” the Sun, not the Moon (it's one or the other!) 1/28/11
The Book of Jeremiah 1/29/11
Against Darkness! (Keep away from “the dark side”; how to tell truth from
error) 2/4/11
Light Will Fill the Universe! 2/5/11
HWA Sermon notes—on Romans 8 and Salvation 2/11/11
Satan Stirs Up Trouble Constantly...but Only Temporarily (by Andrew) 2/11/11
The Antidote to Satan's Lies: God's Government—Follow it and you Won't be
Deceived 2/18/11
The Purpose for the Church of God: True Success! 2/19/11
Regarding New Moons 2/25/11
Education (Revealed Knowledge) from God is What's Really Important! 2/26/11
Become Soft, Workable Clay (be teachable) 3/4/11
Qualify Now for God's Government 3/5/11
Jesus is the “Firstborn Among Many Brethren” 3/12/11
Qualifying for God's Government (notes on excerpts from The Incredible Human
Potential) 3/25/11
Qualifying For The First Resurrection Means Submitting to God's Government
Over You! 3/26/11
Living Faith (What it Means to Believe God) 4/1/11
A World Held Captive – Soon to be Released! 4/2/11
Message of the Bible: Put Sin out of Your Life! 4/8/11
18 Restored Truths (an early Joseph Tkach letter) 4/9/11
John 17 and Church Government 4/15/11
Passover Symbols 4/16/11
Two Trees in the Garden—Lesson for the Church Today 4/18/11
Leaving Egypt (Putting Sin Away) 4/19/11
Why We Keep the Sabbath and Holy Days 4/22/11
The Sabbath of the Days of Unleavened Bread, and Counting to Pentecost 4/23/11
What Happened after Jesus' Resurrection? A Timeline of Events 4/23/11
The Deadly Leaven of Higher Education 4/24/11
A Happy Church is a Happy Family 4/25/11
HWA Sermon—Achieving Perfection (warns against intellectualism) 4/25/11
Emotional Maturity (my notes from an article) 4/29/11
Learn About the New Covenant from the Old Covenant 4/29/11
Choosing the Tree of Life—It's Not as Easy as it Sounds! 4/30/11
The Resurrection Proves Jesus was the Messiah 5/6/11
The True History of the True Church (notes on HWA broadcasts) 5/7/11
The State of the Church Today (a pre-Bible Study conversation) 5/13/11
Matthew 24:14—Why Paul Went to Rome 5/13/11
The Saints will be Gathered Together 5/14/11
Daniel chapters 7-12 5/20/11
God's Wife—His Creation—Soon to Give Birth 5/21/11
Ezekiel 7: “An Ode to the Fall of Israel” 5/27/11
How and Why God Gave us the Bible 5/28/11
Faithful Ambassadors—Not Wicked Messengers 6/3/11
The Carnal Mind—Full of "Snake Venom" 6/4/11
Following God's Faithful Servants is Following God 6/11/11
Background of—and Why—the Church (HWA Sermon, Pentecost 1983) 6/12/11
Correspondence Course Lesson on Pentecost 6/12/11
The Canonization of the Bible 6/17/11
Father's Day: How to Honor Your Father 6/18/11
Psalms 103-106 6/24/11
Judgment Day is to Save, Not to Condemn 6/25/11
God's Administrative Decisions (He is in Charge!) 7/1/11
Listening to Satan Ruins Everything! 7/2/11
Deal Wisely with the Unconverted 7/8/11
Human Nature (Chapter 11 of The Incredible Human Potential) 7/9/11
Come Out of the World! 7/15/11
The Book of Zechariah 7/22/11
Utopia Will Come When God Restores His Government to Earth 7/29/11
God's Name—What That Means 7/30/11
The Virtuous Wife (is the Church) 8/5/11
The Purpose of the Old Covenant 8/6/11
Sihon and Og 8/12/11
The Incredible Human Potential 8/13/11
Warning to the Church (notes on an HWA sermon) 8/14/11
God's Sheep Amidst Satan's Wolves 8/19/11
Bible Chronology 8/20/11
“Anomia”—Leviticus 26:14 8/26/11
Be Ready for God's Kingdom 8/27/11
Paul's Life 9/2/11
Fall Holy Day Preparation 9/3/11
Matthew 24 9/9/11
Humanity: Just "Flowers In The Grass" (this is both the true gospel message and
the meaning of God's Holy Days!) 9/10/11
Being a Gentle Ruler 9/17/11
Abraham: Father of the Children of Promise 9/23/11
Meaning of the Feast of Tabernacles 9/24/11
Feast of Trumpets—Good News! 9/28/11
Day of Trumpets Outline of Events 9/29/11
Day of Trumpets: Gathering the Elect 9/30/11
Day of Atonement: Israel's Exodus is a Story with Implications for all
Mankind 10/7/11
Where Should You Keep the Feast? 10/12/11
Found—The Lost Doctrine of Christ's Coming Millennial Reign on Earth 10/13/11
Psalm 110:1 10/14/11
How Long will Humans Live During the Millennium? 10/14/11
Removing Satan's Unclean Spirit Produces World Tomorrow Conditions 10/15/11
God's Government in the World Tomorrow and Beyond 10/16/11
Isaiah 60: With Satan Gone, World Prosperity! 10/17/11
Meaning of Booths 10/18/11
Ecclesiastes and the Meaning of the Feast 10/19/11
Last Great Day: “They Shall Live Again!” 10/19/11
Message of the Last Great Day 10/20/11
What Grace Really Means! 10/22/11
God's View of Halloween 10/29/11
“You Can Make It!” (The final A.C. Correspondence Course Lesson) 10/29/11
Hebrews 10:25 vs. Attending Church Splits 11/4/11
The Life of Abraham 11/5/11
God Does Exist! 11/11/11
Joesph's Life—Things Do Work Out For Good! 11/12/11
Thanksgiving Day (quotes from "Ascent to Greatness" and "American Poetry and
Prose") 11/19/11
Moses, Mr. HWA and the Work of the Church 11/25/11
Sabbath vs. Mark of the Beast 12/2/11
Ask: “Is it Sin?” If so—Put it out! 12/23/11
Lesson of Israel's 40 Years' Wandering 12/9/11
Church of God History—Remember it! 12/10/11
Daniel chapters 10-12 (prophecies about Assyria transfer to Babylon; identifying
the abomination of desolation) 12/16/11
Daniel chapters 7-12 12/17/11
The Book of Ephesians 12/23/11
“Why We Don't Keep Christmas” (It's Part of the Mark of the Beast!) 12/24/11
Matthew 7:6—Don't Cast Your Pearls Before Swine 12/30/11
On Growth and Bearing Fruit 12/31/11