Choose Life! 1/6/17
Psalm 102 1/7/17
Remember the Sabbath (Part 1) 1/13/17
Remember the Sabbath (Part 2) 1/14/17
Andrew's New York Report 1/20/17
"As For Me and My House . . ." (Joshua's Message) 1/21/17
2017 in Prophecy 1/27/17
Generations 1/28/17
How the Five Festival Scrolls Picture God's Great Purpose 2/3/17
How to Stop Worrying and Start Living 2/10/17
The Crux of the Matter -- God's Initiative (Numbers 16:28) 2/11/17
Daniel 2 and the Kingdom of God 2/17/17
The Deadly Leaven of Liberalism 2/18/17
God's Church Must Overcome Satan, the World and Sin 2/24/17
Our Reward: All Things 2/25/17
The Minor Prophets 3/3/17
Why Were You Born? 3/4/17
After Death, Then What? 3/10/17
Teach Your Children About God 3/11/17
Don't say to God, "Why have you made me like this?" (Romans 9:20) 3/17/17
The Calling of Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel 3/24/17
The Lamb of God (John 1:29, 36; I Corinthians 5:7) 3/25/17
John 14:1-3 3/31/17
John 14-17 4/1/17
A Time to be Born, a Time to Die 4/14/17
Jesus Christ is Risen From the Dead 4/15/17
Our Complete Deliverance from Satan and Sin 4/16/17
Putting all Leaven out of the Church 4/17/17
A Message From God the Father to Mankind (Revelation 21:5-8) 4/21/17
Human Beings are "Flowers in the Grass" (Psalm 90) 4/22/17
Basic Undeniable Biblical Truths (I Corinthians 15; Isaiah 2) 4/28/17
II Timothy 4/29/17
The Hope of Eternal Life (Psalm 16; Acts 2; I Corinthians 15) 5/5/17
How to Answer Mr. Armstrong's Critics Today 5/6/17
How Long Will Human Beings Live During the Millennium? 5/12/17
The Seven Laws of Success 5/13/17
Ezekiel and the Apostle Paul 5/19/17
The Importance of Patience and Faith (Hebrews 10:35-39) 5/20/17
The Book of Truth (Daniel 10:21) 5/26/17
Three Times A Year (Exodus 23:14-17; 34:23; Deuteronomy 16:16) 5/27/17
What Does Pentecost Mean to You? (HWA, GN article, May,1982) 6/3/17
The Historical Fulfillment of the Spring Holy Days 6/3/17
Pentecost 2017 6/4/17
God Wants All Humanity to Keep His Laws 6/9/17
Lessons From the Building of Solomon's Temple 6/10/17
Jude 6/16/17
After the Flood 6/17/17
The Doers of the Law Will be Justified . . . by the Blood of Christ (Romans 2:13; 3:24-26) 6/23/17
Psalm 107 6/24/17
No Smooth Sailing Prophesied For God's Church in this Age 6/30/17
First Place in Your Life! -- HWA Personal, March 1976 7/1/17
A House Divided Cannot Stand 7/7/17
The Biblical Origins of Christianity 7/8/17
Believe the Gospel (Mark 1:15; Romans 10:9; I Corinthians 15) 7/14/17
Who was Melchizedek? (What is Jesus Christ's Job Today?) 7/15/17
God's World vs. Satan's World 7/21/17
Luke/Acts Overview 7/22/17
If God Spared not the Angels that Sinned . . . 7/28/17
"One Doctrine at a Time . . . on a Silver Platter" (HWA) 7/29/17
The Real Jesus (Isaiah 2:1-5; Luke 1:30-33; Matthew 5:17-19; I Kings 9:1-9) 8/4/17
Psalm 119 -- the True Religion 8/12/17
Lessons From Ephesians 8/18/17
Isaiah 40 8/19/17
God's Word is Truth (John 17:17) 8/25/17
Hebrews 11:21 -- The U.S. and B.C in Prophecy 8/26/17
God's Kingdom Coming! (Dan. 2:44; Isa. 2:2-4; Heb. 2:5) 9/1/17
The Church's Commission -- to Teach What Jesus Taught 9/2/17
God Won't Destroy the Righteous with the Wicked 9/8/17
Life After Death 9/9/17
The Kingdom of God is at Hand (Mark 1:14-15; Heb. 2:1-10) 9/15/17
God Will Shake Heaven and Earth 9/16/17
The Day of Trumpets 9/21/17
One True God (Gen. 1:1; Matt. 4:10; I John 5:20; Rev. 14:6-7) 9/22/17)
Four Things God Decreed at the Foundation of this World (Gen. 3:22-24; Rev. 13:8; I Cor. 15:22; Heb. 9:27) 9/23/17
The Greatest Transition in History 9/29/17
Feast of Tabernacles/Last Great Day 10/5 - 10/12 2017
Implications of Daniel, Ezra-Nehemiah, Chronicles and New Testament 10/20/17
Two Messages: Why We Don't Keep Halloween / Appreciate Your Mate 10/21/17
Why Jesus Came Into the World 10/27/19
The Teachings of Jesus Summarized 10/28/17
God Inhabits Eternity with the Humble (Isaiah 57:15; 66:1-2) 11/3/17
History is Like a Movie - You Must See it from Beginning to End 11/4/17
Set Apart by God's Truth 11/10/17
The Two Olive Trees, Seven Lamps and Golden Oil 11/11/17
God Entrusted the Apostles with the Gospel 11/17/17
Jesus Was Both Gentle and Firm 11/18/17
Psalm 90 11/24/17
The Bible Was Written For Our Time Today 11/25/17
"The MARK of the BEAST . . . it is here, NOW!" -- HWA 12/1/17
"Come out of Babylon!" (Rev. 18:2, 4) 12/2/17
"Thy Kingdom Come" (Matt. 6:10) 12/8/17
The Spirits of Just Men Made Perfect (Heb. 12:23) 12/9/17
" . . . Unjust . . . Filthy . . . Righteous . . . Holy . . . " (Rev. 22:11) 12/22/17
Psalm 34 and the Purpose of Trials 12/23/17
Mystery of the Ages, Part One 12/29/17
Mystery of the Ages, Part Two 12/30/17
Psalm 102 1/7/17
Remember the Sabbath (Part 1) 1/13/17
Remember the Sabbath (Part 2) 1/14/17
Andrew's New York Report 1/20/17
"As For Me and My House . . ." (Joshua's Message) 1/21/17
2017 in Prophecy 1/27/17
Generations 1/28/17
How the Five Festival Scrolls Picture God's Great Purpose 2/3/17
How to Stop Worrying and Start Living 2/10/17
The Crux of the Matter -- God's Initiative (Numbers 16:28) 2/11/17
Daniel 2 and the Kingdom of God 2/17/17
The Deadly Leaven of Liberalism 2/18/17
God's Church Must Overcome Satan, the World and Sin 2/24/17
Our Reward: All Things 2/25/17
The Minor Prophets 3/3/17
Why Were You Born? 3/4/17
After Death, Then What? 3/10/17
Teach Your Children About God 3/11/17
Don't say to God, "Why have you made me like this?" (Romans 9:20) 3/17/17
The Calling of Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel 3/24/17
The Lamb of God (John 1:29, 36; I Corinthians 5:7) 3/25/17
John 14:1-3 3/31/17
John 14-17 4/1/17
A Time to be Born, a Time to Die 4/14/17
Jesus Christ is Risen From the Dead 4/15/17
Our Complete Deliverance from Satan and Sin 4/16/17
Putting all Leaven out of the Church 4/17/17
A Message From God the Father to Mankind (Revelation 21:5-8) 4/21/17
Human Beings are "Flowers in the Grass" (Psalm 90) 4/22/17
Basic Undeniable Biblical Truths (I Corinthians 15; Isaiah 2) 4/28/17
II Timothy 4/29/17
The Hope of Eternal Life (Psalm 16; Acts 2; I Corinthians 15) 5/5/17
How to Answer Mr. Armstrong's Critics Today 5/6/17
How Long Will Human Beings Live During the Millennium? 5/12/17
The Seven Laws of Success 5/13/17
Ezekiel and the Apostle Paul 5/19/17
The Importance of Patience and Faith (Hebrews 10:35-39) 5/20/17
The Book of Truth (Daniel 10:21) 5/26/17
Three Times A Year (Exodus 23:14-17; 34:23; Deuteronomy 16:16) 5/27/17
What Does Pentecost Mean to You? (HWA, GN article, May,1982) 6/3/17
The Historical Fulfillment of the Spring Holy Days 6/3/17
Pentecost 2017 6/4/17
God Wants All Humanity to Keep His Laws 6/9/17
Lessons From the Building of Solomon's Temple 6/10/17
Jude 6/16/17
After the Flood 6/17/17
The Doers of the Law Will be Justified . . . by the Blood of Christ (Romans 2:13; 3:24-26) 6/23/17
Psalm 107 6/24/17
No Smooth Sailing Prophesied For God's Church in this Age 6/30/17
First Place in Your Life! -- HWA Personal, March 1976 7/1/17
A House Divided Cannot Stand 7/7/17
The Biblical Origins of Christianity 7/8/17
Believe the Gospel (Mark 1:15; Romans 10:9; I Corinthians 15) 7/14/17
Who was Melchizedek? (What is Jesus Christ's Job Today?) 7/15/17
God's World vs. Satan's World 7/21/17
Luke/Acts Overview 7/22/17
If God Spared not the Angels that Sinned . . . 7/28/17
"One Doctrine at a Time . . . on a Silver Platter" (HWA) 7/29/17
The Real Jesus (Isaiah 2:1-5; Luke 1:30-33; Matthew 5:17-19; I Kings 9:1-9) 8/4/17
Psalm 119 -- the True Religion 8/12/17
Lessons From Ephesians 8/18/17
Isaiah 40 8/19/17
God's Word is Truth (John 17:17) 8/25/17
Hebrews 11:21 -- The U.S. and B.C in Prophecy 8/26/17
God's Kingdom Coming! (Dan. 2:44; Isa. 2:2-4; Heb. 2:5) 9/1/17
The Church's Commission -- to Teach What Jesus Taught 9/2/17
God Won't Destroy the Righteous with the Wicked 9/8/17
Life After Death 9/9/17
The Kingdom of God is at Hand (Mark 1:14-15; Heb. 2:1-10) 9/15/17
God Will Shake Heaven and Earth 9/16/17
The Day of Trumpets 9/21/17
One True God (Gen. 1:1; Matt. 4:10; I John 5:20; Rev. 14:6-7) 9/22/17)
Four Things God Decreed at the Foundation of this World (Gen. 3:22-24; Rev. 13:8; I Cor. 15:22; Heb. 9:27) 9/23/17
The Greatest Transition in History 9/29/17
Feast of Tabernacles/Last Great Day 10/5 - 10/12 2017
Implications of Daniel, Ezra-Nehemiah, Chronicles and New Testament 10/20/17
Two Messages: Why We Don't Keep Halloween / Appreciate Your Mate 10/21/17
Why Jesus Came Into the World 10/27/19
The Teachings of Jesus Summarized 10/28/17
God Inhabits Eternity with the Humble (Isaiah 57:15; 66:1-2) 11/3/17
History is Like a Movie - You Must See it from Beginning to End 11/4/17
Set Apart by God's Truth 11/10/17
The Two Olive Trees, Seven Lamps and Golden Oil 11/11/17
God Entrusted the Apostles with the Gospel 11/17/17
Jesus Was Both Gentle and Firm 11/18/17
Psalm 90 11/24/17
The Bible Was Written For Our Time Today 11/25/17
"The MARK of the BEAST . . . it is here, NOW!" -- HWA 12/1/17
"Come out of Babylon!" (Rev. 18:2, 4) 12/2/17
"Thy Kingdom Come" (Matt. 6:10) 12/8/17
The Spirits of Just Men Made Perfect (Heb. 12:23) 12/9/17
" . . . Unjust . . . Filthy . . . Righteous . . . Holy . . . " (Rev. 22:11) 12/22/17
Psalm 34 and the Purpose of Trials 12/23/17
Mystery of the Ages, Part One 12/29/17
Mystery of the Ages, Part Two 12/30/17