Predestination 1/2/10
The Good Life—Make Yours One! 1/8/10
1 Peter 1/9/10
Education from an Apostle 1/15/10
Walk in Light 1/16/10
Peace of Mind 1/22/10
Israel: God's Family Tree 1/23/10
“Are You Really a Christian?” (notes on a Mr. HWA sermon) 1/30/10
Truth is for Eternity 2/5/10
Genesis 22—Abraham and Isaac Picture God and Christ 2/6/10
The Book of Esther 2/12/10
Staying Silent Doesn't Bother God 2/26/10
The Book of Job 2/13/10
How to Keep the Law 2/19/10
Solomon's Analysis of Human Existence 2/20/10
Law and Grace 2/26/10
Sin is Insulting to God! 2/27/10
The Book of Galatians 3/5/10
Pre-Passover Message (on the origin of the Bible and the admonition “examine
yourself”) 3/6/10
The Big Picture 3/12/10
How to Understand Paul's Writings 3/13/10
Church Government 3/19/10
The Original Intent of the Law 3/20/10
Passover/Days of Unleavened Bread Reflections 3/26/10
The Passover 3/27/10
Getting Rid of Sin (includes notes from the Correspondence Course Lesson “Put
Away Sin”) 3/30/10
Finding the Balance in Doctrinal Matters 4/2/10
What Real Life is 4/3/10
“What the Bible Says About Finance” (Dr. Hoeh, March 1982 Good News) 4/4/10
Two Ditches to Avoid -- Legalism and Liberalism 4/5/10
How the Work is Done 4/9/10
Languages 4/10/10
How and Why We Have the Bible 4/16/10
“Milk” (The Doctrines in Hebrews 6) 4/17/10
Faith 4/23/10
Bible Prophecy—Most of it Yet to be Fulfilled! 4/24/10
Promises to Abraham 4/30/10
Repent! 5/1/10
Why God Sends a Witness to the World 5/7/10
Where the 12 Apostles Went 5/7/10
Men Named James in the Bible 5/7/10
The True Gospel (HWA telecast) 5/8/10
The True History of the True Church (introduction: what the true Church is;
notes on Dr. Hoeh's booklet) 5/8/10
The Bible is the Foundation of the Church 5/14/10
The True History of the True Church (notes on HWA broadcasts) 5/15/10
The One True Religion 5/15/10
God is Building a Family 5/15/10
The Spirit of Elijah—It is the Spirit of Faith 5/15/10
Three Basic Principles (God's deep love for His creation; His equally profound
anger over sin; His plan to remedy the “sin problem”) 5/21/10
The Menorah 5/21/10
Pentecost Firstrfuits (God's Church)—the Only People Connected to God
Today! 5/22/10
What Makes One a True Christian 5/22/10
“What Does Pentecost Mean to You?” (HWA, Good News, May 1982) 5/23/10
Against the Gates of Hell (lessons from the history of the state of California's attack
against the Church) 5/28/10
Overview of the Bible 5/29/10
Mary of Bethany and Judas Iscariot 6/4/10
John 9 6/5/10
The New Testament (a summary of the four gospel accounts) 6/11/10
True Values Exclude Materialism 6/12/10
Who Will Escape the Great Tribulation? 7/2/10
The Book of Hosea 7/3/10
God's Government 7/9/10
Persecution: Part of Becoming Converted 7/10/10
God's Book 7/16/10
Why the Church Cannot Solve its Problems 7/17/10
Revelation 19:10 (The Testimony of Christ is the Spirit of Prophecy) 7/23/10
Comments on the Creation Week 7/24/10
The Pre-Flood World 7/30/10
God is Creating a Family! 7/31/10
The Genealogy of 1 Chronicles 8/7/10
Faith— Submission to God's Government 8/13/10
Joseph 8/14/10
Hebrews: A Commentary on Genesis 8/20/10
Moses' Life—a Lesson for Today 8/21/10
Military Service and War 8/27/10
A Stanley Rader Forum 8/27/10
The Backbone of Christianity—Obedience to God's Government 8/28/10
U.S. Politics—Conservative vs. Liberal Policies (economic issues that could be
solved by applying God's Law) 9/3/10
What and Why the Church (A.C. Correspondence Course Lesson #19) 9/4/10
HWA sermon—Day of Trumpets 1985 9/8/10
Two Sides of the Day of Trumpets—Bad News Followed by Good News 9/9/10
The Book of Maccabees and the Abomination of Desolation 9/10/10
God's Day Of Atonement Vision: the People of Revelation 7 9/17/10
Applying the Passover Sacrifice 9/18/10
The Millennium 9/23/10
We Must Keep the Feast 9/24/10
A Look at the World Tomorrow 9/24/10
The Meaning of Booths 9/25/10
No Rebels in God's Government (Saul, Eli—two examples) 9/26/10
[untitled Feast message] 9/28/10
Thornbushes 9/29/10
The Last Great Day 9/30/10
God's Kingdom to Last Forever! 9/30/10
"Señorita Wisdom" (Proverbs 9) 10/2/10
Lessons From the Priesthood; and Tithing 10/8/10
"Mining" for God's Wisdom (Job 28) 10/9/10
Psalm 23 and Christ's Priesthood 10/15/10
“As it Was in Noah's Day...” 10/16/10
Job 41—Leviathan And Job's Foul Attitude 10/22/10
Divorce and Remarriage—Comparing the 1953 and 1974 Church Policies 10/23/10
God's Government (Mr. HWA's 1974 letter dealing with this matter) 10/29/10
Why We Don't Keep Birthdays 10/30/10
Makeup Part 1 11/5/10
Makeup Part 2 11/6/10
Expect Miracles! 11/12/10
Does God Really Ask The Impossible? 11/13/10
There's Still Work For Elijah To Do 11/19/10
Holiness 11/20/10
Having Faith During Trials—By Loving God's Law 11/26/10
The Faith Required for Healing 11/27/10
Obey God and Find Life! 12/3/10
Why We Don't Keep Christmas (review of 1999 sermon) 12/4/10
Be Teachable 12/10/10
Must You See it to Believe it? 12/11/10
Unconditional Surrender 12/17/10
Salvation is Education (Correspondence Course Lesson #23) 12/18/10
Real Conversion 12/24/10
True versus False Prophets 12/25/10
Being in God's Government Means Being Truly Connected to God 12/31/10
Why Problems in the Church 12/31/10
The Good Life—Make Yours One! 1/8/10
1 Peter 1/9/10
Education from an Apostle 1/15/10
Walk in Light 1/16/10
Peace of Mind 1/22/10
Israel: God's Family Tree 1/23/10
“Are You Really a Christian?” (notes on a Mr. HWA sermon) 1/30/10
Truth is for Eternity 2/5/10
Genesis 22—Abraham and Isaac Picture God and Christ 2/6/10
The Book of Esther 2/12/10
Staying Silent Doesn't Bother God 2/26/10
The Book of Job 2/13/10
How to Keep the Law 2/19/10
Solomon's Analysis of Human Existence 2/20/10
Law and Grace 2/26/10
Sin is Insulting to God! 2/27/10
The Book of Galatians 3/5/10
Pre-Passover Message (on the origin of the Bible and the admonition “examine
yourself”) 3/6/10
The Big Picture 3/12/10
How to Understand Paul's Writings 3/13/10
Church Government 3/19/10
The Original Intent of the Law 3/20/10
Passover/Days of Unleavened Bread Reflections 3/26/10
The Passover 3/27/10
Getting Rid of Sin (includes notes from the Correspondence Course Lesson “Put
Away Sin”) 3/30/10
Finding the Balance in Doctrinal Matters 4/2/10
What Real Life is 4/3/10
“What the Bible Says About Finance” (Dr. Hoeh, March 1982 Good News) 4/4/10
Two Ditches to Avoid -- Legalism and Liberalism 4/5/10
How the Work is Done 4/9/10
Languages 4/10/10
How and Why We Have the Bible 4/16/10
“Milk” (The Doctrines in Hebrews 6) 4/17/10
Faith 4/23/10
Bible Prophecy—Most of it Yet to be Fulfilled! 4/24/10
Promises to Abraham 4/30/10
Repent! 5/1/10
Why God Sends a Witness to the World 5/7/10
Where the 12 Apostles Went 5/7/10
Men Named James in the Bible 5/7/10
The True Gospel (HWA telecast) 5/8/10
The True History of the True Church (introduction: what the true Church is;
notes on Dr. Hoeh's booklet) 5/8/10
The Bible is the Foundation of the Church 5/14/10
The True History of the True Church (notes on HWA broadcasts) 5/15/10
The One True Religion 5/15/10
God is Building a Family 5/15/10
The Spirit of Elijah—It is the Spirit of Faith 5/15/10
Three Basic Principles (God's deep love for His creation; His equally profound
anger over sin; His plan to remedy the “sin problem”) 5/21/10
The Menorah 5/21/10
Pentecost Firstrfuits (God's Church)—the Only People Connected to God
Today! 5/22/10
What Makes One a True Christian 5/22/10
“What Does Pentecost Mean to You?” (HWA, Good News, May 1982) 5/23/10
Against the Gates of Hell (lessons from the history of the state of California's attack
against the Church) 5/28/10
Overview of the Bible 5/29/10
Mary of Bethany and Judas Iscariot 6/4/10
John 9 6/5/10
The New Testament (a summary of the four gospel accounts) 6/11/10
True Values Exclude Materialism 6/12/10
Who Will Escape the Great Tribulation? 7/2/10
The Book of Hosea 7/3/10
God's Government 7/9/10
Persecution: Part of Becoming Converted 7/10/10
God's Book 7/16/10
Why the Church Cannot Solve its Problems 7/17/10
Revelation 19:10 (The Testimony of Christ is the Spirit of Prophecy) 7/23/10
Comments on the Creation Week 7/24/10
The Pre-Flood World 7/30/10
God is Creating a Family! 7/31/10
The Genealogy of 1 Chronicles 8/7/10
Faith— Submission to God's Government 8/13/10
Joseph 8/14/10
Hebrews: A Commentary on Genesis 8/20/10
Moses' Life—a Lesson for Today 8/21/10
Military Service and War 8/27/10
A Stanley Rader Forum 8/27/10
The Backbone of Christianity—Obedience to God's Government 8/28/10
U.S. Politics—Conservative vs. Liberal Policies (economic issues that could be
solved by applying God's Law) 9/3/10
What and Why the Church (A.C. Correspondence Course Lesson #19) 9/4/10
HWA sermon—Day of Trumpets 1985 9/8/10
Two Sides of the Day of Trumpets—Bad News Followed by Good News 9/9/10
The Book of Maccabees and the Abomination of Desolation 9/10/10
God's Day Of Atonement Vision: the People of Revelation 7 9/17/10
Applying the Passover Sacrifice 9/18/10
The Millennium 9/23/10
We Must Keep the Feast 9/24/10
A Look at the World Tomorrow 9/24/10
The Meaning of Booths 9/25/10
No Rebels in God's Government (Saul, Eli—two examples) 9/26/10
[untitled Feast message] 9/28/10
Thornbushes 9/29/10
The Last Great Day 9/30/10
God's Kingdom to Last Forever! 9/30/10
"Señorita Wisdom" (Proverbs 9) 10/2/10
Lessons From the Priesthood; and Tithing 10/8/10
"Mining" for God's Wisdom (Job 28) 10/9/10
Psalm 23 and Christ's Priesthood 10/15/10
“As it Was in Noah's Day...” 10/16/10
Job 41—Leviathan And Job's Foul Attitude 10/22/10
Divorce and Remarriage—Comparing the 1953 and 1974 Church Policies 10/23/10
God's Government (Mr. HWA's 1974 letter dealing with this matter) 10/29/10
Why We Don't Keep Birthdays 10/30/10
Makeup Part 1 11/5/10
Makeup Part 2 11/6/10
Expect Miracles! 11/12/10
Does God Really Ask The Impossible? 11/13/10
There's Still Work For Elijah To Do 11/19/10
Holiness 11/20/10
Having Faith During Trials—By Loving God's Law 11/26/10
The Faith Required for Healing 11/27/10
Obey God and Find Life! 12/3/10
Why We Don't Keep Christmas (review of 1999 sermon) 12/4/10
Be Teachable 12/10/10
Must You See it to Believe it? 12/11/10
Unconditional Surrender 12/17/10
Salvation is Education (Correspondence Course Lesson #23) 12/18/10
Real Conversion 12/24/10
True versus False Prophets 12/25/10
Being in God's Government Means Being Truly Connected to God 12/31/10
Why Problems in the Church 12/31/10