Who and What is God? 7/3/07
What is Man? 7/3/07
Lesson of the Two Trees 7/3/07
Israel (Romans 9-11) 7/4/07
Put God First! 7/5/07
Promises to Abraham 7/5/07
Betrothal and Happy Marriage 7/6/07
Why God Tests Us 7/6/07
New Heaven and Earth 7/7/07
Predestination is from the Womb 7/7/07
Against Liberalism 7/7/07
1. How Liberalism Corrupted the Church
2. How to Deal With Liberal Ministers
New Jerusalem 7/10/07
Our Real Family: The Saints of the First Resurrection! 7/11/07
Zechariah 8/31/07
More on Liberalism 9/7/07
Day of Trumpets 9/13/07
Day of Atonement (study) 9/21/07
Day of Atonement (review of 1999 sermon) 9/21/07
Day of Trumpets (review of 1999 sermon) 9/22/07
Love and the Spirit of the Law 9/23/07
Encouragement in this Strange Church Era 10/28/07
Marriage Tips 11/2/07
Walking with God 11/3/07
Hosea (God Guarantees He Will Restore Israel) 11/9/07
"Anomia" -- Lawlessness; Iniquity (Matt. 7:23, etc.) 11/10/07
Jeremiah 12/14/07
Romans 12/27/07
Follow the One True God (Recognize and Avoid Deception!) 12/27/07
What is Man? 7/3/07
Lesson of the Two Trees 7/3/07
Israel (Romans 9-11) 7/4/07
Put God First! 7/5/07
Promises to Abraham 7/5/07
Betrothal and Happy Marriage 7/6/07
Why God Tests Us 7/6/07
New Heaven and Earth 7/7/07
Predestination is from the Womb 7/7/07
Against Liberalism 7/7/07
1. How Liberalism Corrupted the Church
2. How to Deal With Liberal Ministers
New Jerusalem 7/10/07
Our Real Family: The Saints of the First Resurrection! 7/11/07
Zechariah 8/31/07
More on Liberalism 9/7/07
Day of Trumpets 9/13/07
Day of Atonement (study) 9/21/07
Day of Atonement (review of 1999 sermon) 9/21/07
Day of Trumpets (review of 1999 sermon) 9/22/07
Love and the Spirit of the Law 9/23/07
Encouragement in this Strange Church Era 10/28/07
Marriage Tips 11/2/07
Walking with God 11/3/07
Hosea (God Guarantees He Will Restore Israel) 11/9/07
"Anomia" -- Lawlessness; Iniquity (Matt. 7:23, etc.) 11/10/07
Jeremiah 12/14/07
Romans 12/27/07
Follow the One True God (Recognize and Avoid Deception!) 12/27/07